

VC Chris Dixon of Andreessen Horowitz thinks it’s a lot harder to predict financial cycles than it is to see a new computing platform coming down the pike.



As he noted in a recent post, new cycles tend to begin every 10 to 15 years; assuming the 2007 introduction of the iPhone kicked off the last wave, we’re fast heading toward the Next New Thing.Or things, technically



, according to Dixon, who we caught up with yesterday.Among the trends that Dixon is watching closely, he says, are virtual reality, augmented reality, IoT, wearables, drones and cars. (Missing from the list: bitcoin, which has long held Dixon’s fascination but that he refers to as a “long-term project.”)




Not that it’ll be easy to make money off these newer technologies.



In fact, Dixon suggests it could be ridiculously challenging, given how quickly Facebook, Google, and Amazon are bringing aboard related talent.



Here’s more from yesterday’s interview, edited for length:



TC: People think of you as the person at Andreessen Horowitz who invests in weird stuff.

TC: 人々はあなたのことをアンドリーセンホロウィッツにおいて変わった投資をする人だと思っている


CD: We obviously invest in a wide range of things.My own area of interest has been in drones and VR and AI and maybe more speculative categories.

CD: 私たちは明らかに広範囲にわたって投資している。私の興味領域はドローンとVRとAI多分、最も投機的なカテゴリーであると思う。


Some startups, the question is more about ‘Will this startup win versus other solutions,’ where, in speculative categories, the question is whether it’s going to work at all.

幾つかのスタートアップにおいて、'このスタートアップは、 様々な他の解決方法に勝てるのか'、投機的なカテゴリーにおいてもワークするのかという問いを重視している。


You can kind of jokingly call it weird, but if you look at where Amazon, Facebook, and Google are investing — I think Google’s VR team is significantly bigger than Facebook’s; Microsoft has 1,500 people working on HoloLens; and from what I can tell from its hiring and acquisitions, Apple is [investing a lot of money] — probably the biggest area [of interest and investment] is AI.Large tech companies are investing very heavily in this stuff [whereas] there’s much less investment by VCs.

あなたは冗談交じりに奇妙だという。しかし、アマゾンやFacebookやグーグルが投資している領域です。私はGoogleのVRチームはFacebookのよりも非常に大きいと思いますMicrosoftでは1,500人がホロレンズのチームとして働いている。その雇用や買収から、 Appleはおそらく最大の関心領域としてAIがあります。大きなテクノロジーの会社はこれらの領域にVCより多く投資している。


TC: Because VCs don’t understand the tech or else the opportunity?

TC: 理由としてはVCはテクノロジーや機会に対して理解がないからですか?


CD: No, because it’s hard to figure out where the start-up opportunities are and because [some of this tech] requires so much money.

With virtual reality, you have to build a complex platform then line up content partners.

CD: いいえ、理解するのが難しい。どこにスタートアップの機会があるのか、そして多額の投資を必要としているから。バーチャルリアリティにおいて、複合的なプラットフォームを作りコンテンツパートナーを揃えなければならない。


Or self-driving cars — I’d assume that Google has spent many billions of dollars on it already, including mapping.The venture world isn’t set up for that.



It works around the model of seed rounds, A rounds, $20 million B rounds, not for massive projects.It’s kind of a puzzle if you’re in VC how to make those investments.



TC: You’ve remarked before how quickly teams are getting snapped up, which must compound the issue.

TC: あなたは事前にどれくらい素早くチームにを発見し、組織化することができるかだと言った

Wit.ai [a Y Combinator startup that built voice-activated interfaces] that Facebook bought and now powers its Messenger platform was only [in our portfolio] for a few months when Facebook bought it.

wit.a(Y Combinatorのスタートアップで音声認識のインターフェースを作っている。)はフェイスブックが買った。そしていまではメッセンジャープラットフォームにおいてフェイスブックから買収されていらい数ヶ月で力を発揮している


It sounds paradoxical,but our model depends on companies staying independent for a period of time,and because large companies have been so aggressive, it’s harder for us.



When it comes to machine learning, you’re competing with offers from Facebook and Google and Amazonand [their offers] are considerably higher in terms of cash compensation.



They pay a lot for people with that expertise, and startups will never [be able to match it]. So you have to really convince people that what you’re building is important.



TC: VCs can’t wait out this next computing cycle obviously. So how do they nurture lower-capital models?

TC: VCはおそらく次のコンピューティングのサイクルが来るのを待つことができない。どうやって彼らは次のモデルを育てるのでしょうか?


CD: With self-driving cars, for example,there are numerous approaches that startups have taken to overcome that capital advantage.Some startups are starting on private campuses— colleges, corporate campuses, military bases —where you can go at a slower speed so it’s less technically challenging


CD: 自動運転車を例にとるとそこには資金的優位を上回るたくさんのスタートアップ的なアプローチがある。幾つかのスタートアップは私学で始めている。学校や、社内キャンパスや軍事基地ではゆっくりしたスピードでもっともすくない技術的チャレンジをすることができる


because you have enough time to stop and the regulations are controlled by the campuses.Some companies, like [our new portfolio company] Comma.ai andthe public Israeli company Mobileye are starting with driver assist, which is semi autonomous.

あなたが乗り越えるのに十分な時間を持っており、規制はキャンパスによって制御されているため。一部の企業は、 [新ポートフォリオ会社は] Comma.aiや公共イスラエルの会社Mobileyeのは、ドライバアシストの半自動運転である。


If you can get your advanced cruise control on the highway and get your system out there, most of the products will get better because they’re pulling in sensor and optical [and other] data and their systems are getting better.



Others are just raising a bunch of money.I think Cruise [the self-driving tech company acquired last month by General Motors] was on the path to probably go and raise more money.

その他の人はただお金を集めるだけ。私が思うに、 Cruise(General Motorsが先月に買収した技術の会社)は多分実働とお金を集めている途中である。



TC: Your new investment in Dispatch, which makes last-mile delivery robots, is interesting. How big an opportunity is that, do you think?

TC: あなたの新しい投資先の Dispatchはデリバリーロボットを作っている。は面白いどれくらい大きくなる。と考えていますか?


CD: It’s early and we don’t exactly know, but if you talk to people who make deliveries to college campuses, they get lost looking for dorm rooms.So I think in the near term,


we’ll see partial solutions where the delivery person might drop off mail or food at a central depot where [he or she] doesn’t have to worry about parking,



and the little bots will do the last bit of it. If you did that on college campuses, corporate campuses and military bases alone, it’s a big opportunity.



TC: What about drone delivery?



CD: I think [that opportunity mostly centers on] photos and capturing imagery for inspections and other things. I think drone delivery would be really expensive.The batteries are the biggest expense; they can be used [just] 200 times.The math is probably $5 per delivery.

私は検査用の写真やキャプチャイメージやその他など。私はドローンデリバリーは高価なものになると思いますバッテリーが一高い;彼らは200間使える 数学的に多分一回5$



It probably makes sense if you really want something right now, like medical supplies.So there are a bunch of interesting use cases.But I think the ultimate solution will be a combination of things: drones for emergency medical supplies, automated trucks for longer deliveries, ground drones for local deliveries. I think like today, it’ll be a patchwork.





TC: How many boards are you on and how many companies do you see a week?



CD: I’m on 10 boards and [former TechCrunch writer] Kyle Russell, who works closely with me — we probably see 20 companies a week?

10個の役員になっています。Kyle Russellが私と一緒に働いています。私たちは多分20社程度の会社をみています


TC: Given that you’re looking at a lot of nascent tech companies in VR and AI that don’t necessarily know what they’ll be when they grow up, how do you avoid conflicts?

あなたはVRとAIにおける発生期のハイテク企業の多くを見ていることを考えると、あなたがたくさんのVR ARの立ち上がりのハイテク企業をたくさん見ていることを考えると、彼らがどうなるか?いつ成長するか、どのように競争を避けるのか?


CD: The best we can do is take what they’re working on and try to project it out and make a prediction.The best we can do is take what they’re working on and try to project it out and make a prediction.But in the cases where [companies become] really successful, it’s hard to know.No one would have predicted 20 years ago that Google would be building cars.




We just try to be respectful of the entrepreneurs.We want them to feel like we’re 100 percent supporting them. But it’s hard because companies change directions a lot.



TC: You were a very visible proponent of bitcoin in recent years. Are you still?



CD: It’s a little frustrating.[There are] disagreements in the bitcoin developer community about the path forward.I think using cryptography to develop a new currency is a long term project.A lot of these things — VR, bitcoin, autonomous cars — they’re hard and they take a while.I’m on the board of [bitcoin wallet provider] Coinbase and they’re doing well. They planned accordingly; they expected this would take a long time.

